Sunday, 16 April 2017

Members page

When thinking about the ways in which the members page will be formatted, it was evident that good feedback was maintained surrounding the idea of expressing the members in a similar format to the logo itself. In turn promoting the idea that the members build up the collective. 

The members names were firstly explored, with the 'crossing out' appear present. This felt somewhat destructive of the members names, and thus an underlining approach was explored. This seemed to lift the text, in turn promoting the word. 

From this a range of compositions were explored. First of all each name appeared apparent within a straight line. This felt somewhat restrictive. It also did not mimic the centralised approach, and thus other compositions were explored. 

Layouts were explored in which appeared somewhat unbalanced, and thus I decided that the doubling of the names would be most appropriate. As a result of this the final approach was derived.

When discussing this with my peers they suggested that the design felt very impactive, and therefore didn't really embed itself with the more subtle nature of the previous spreads. They also suggested that not all names appeared equal as some were bigger/explored different layouts. Although I did this in order to explore the individual nature of each member, it is fair to suggest that this approach does not appear postmodern but rather inadequate.

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