Friday 14 April 2017

Click Count

A click count is the number of clicks it takes the user to access the relevant information of a user interface. Obviously this action is far easier to record when there is a direct process happening, for example a purchase. Although, it is important to recognise how many click counts it would take for a user to gain all the relevant information in which they wish to gain from the collective website.

In order to determine this it is important to mention what extension pages the collective will have. First of all a landing page is needed in order to gain a grasp of the interface, and inform the consumer. An 'about' page should be present in order to express the aims of the collective. Further pages should explore the members of the collective and their own workings. With a blog also being explored in order to show the collectives day to day workings. Then some form of contact page should be derived in order to promote contact with the creative.

As a result of this the collective should maintain no more than 7 click counts.
Entering the website>browsing the landing page>about page>collective members>one member>blog>contact page.

By completing some form of task bar this would reduce the amount of click counts as the user is able to individually select the relevant aspects of the website. In turn reducing the overall click count.

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