Friday, 14 April 2017

Initial drawings-landing page

 Initial Ideas

Initial ideas were developed in which explore a range of layouts/compositions. The sketches focus upon the placement of text and image, alongside functions such as sidebars/burgers. The collective logo was generally expressed at the top of the page in order to embed the collective on each spread. 

When thinking about what layout would be most suitable, the target audience became a key consideration. Other considerations in which had to be made include that of exploring similar trends in which the publication expresses. As a result of this it was decided that a clean design should be promoted, in which explores some form of postmodern aesthetic. Sketches 1, 4, and 10 attempted to promote this further. 

The first design explores that of a line running down the centre of the page, this is to promote the line work expressed within the publication. Text is centralised in a traditional format, but the images have been 'randomised', this somewhat attempting to mimic the design of the publication.

The fourth design explores that of a similar approach, although no line work is included. A burger has been used in order to contain the relevant pages in an easily identifiable format. 

Design ten explores a random image approach, whereby the designs are not always positioned at 90 degrees. I believe that this would make the designs somewhat illegible and thus this idea should not be taken further. 

Although I liked some of the other ideas, it became evident that multiple designs contained modernist trends. Designs 6 and 7 promote this as they both appear as if they have been derived through a grid system. 

Feedback-When discussing these ideas with a peer she suggested that the most effective deisgn was that of number one, as it conveys some of the ideologies in which are maintained within the original publication. She also then went onto suggest that the line work should be explored with further. As a result of this further sketches were developed. 

Second Ideas

Four further sketches were derived in which focus upon the aesthetic of the design, and the ways in which it would effect the intended consumer. The first design appears straightforward and easy to navigate, the burger icon allows for a clean approach, in turn making the direct focus be upon the images present. Line work was explored within the drawings, with number three taking the most postmodern approach. I believe that this deisgn is far too overcomplicated for interface design and would therefore not appear legible. The sizing of the images may also be difficult for the intended consumer to see.  Design 2, and 4 both appeared as if they were developed by a grid system and thus explored more modernist trends. As a result of this it was decided that design number one would make the most effective landing page.

As the landing page is the first aspect of the interface to be seen it is crucial that its aesthetic is clean, clear and provides easy navigation. I will attempt to explore this further when creating the design digitally.

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