Sunday 16 April 2017

About spread

In conjunction to the wireframes, and development of the landing page, the 'about' page was explored with accordingly. 

Centralisation became a strong factor within the design, as this is mimicked within the first page. A central subheading was also applied in order to meet these standards. I attempted to incorporate line work, although this did not appear effective in the case of underlining text. In order to make the about page appear friendly, and engaging the text was labeled as 'our story', in turn promoting a down to earth atmosphere. 

The latter line was removed, although the label 'our story' was then highlighted. The type size was altered in order to ensure that it would be legible. A minimum of 18 point was expressed within the body copy. Text size being highly relevant when targeting this audience. 

The final design explored centralisation, Futura and line work. These all applying to the previous spreads. 

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