Thursday 28 December 2017

Sourcing imagery

In order to develop the feminist magazine, imagery was sourced. In relation to feminism, statistics show that female designers/illustrators and photographers are all far less likely to gain work after graduating university, and will most likely be in lower paid positions. As a result of this, I decided that the magazine will have an emphasis on female artwork, in turn promoting equality within the design industry by showcasing female artwork.

Contacting individuals 

Individual creatives in which promote feminism throughout their artwork were firstly outlined. These were contacted through a variety of platforms, although I found Instagram with a follow-up email most successful.

As I had previously been to an exhibition, I also gained the contact details of individuals exhibiting work. These creatives were then contacted and openly offered their work. This being a far simpler process, as I have had previous contact with them.

Call for submissions 

I put out a call for submissions on the LAU collaborations page, as well as my twitter and Instagram to get further imagery. This was somewhat successful with a couple of creatives coming forward.

Submission from Dominic Cartledge 

Developing my own imagery 

In relation to the witch theme, I developed my own imagery (illustration based in which may be embedded within the publication. This followed the 'feminine theme'.

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