Wednesday 13 December 2017

Reclaiming pink

Girl Gang  is a creative community working to celebrate and uplift people in Leeds by creating fun, safe and empowering spaces for women and non-binary people. We put on parties, workshops, meetups, exhibitions and more and are always seeking new collaborations. Girl Gang Leeds is a sister community with Girl Gang Manchester and GIRL GANG Sheffield.

The exhibition attended aims to challenge gender roles and stereotypes surrounding the idea of “feminine” - and how all of us, of all genders, explore femininity.

The whole concept of the exhibition was that you should embrace femininity as being feminine is nothing to be ashamed of. The exhibition aims to challenge gender roles and stereotypes surrounding the idea of “feminine” - and how all of us, of all genders, explore femininity.

Although I found the exhibition inspiring, there were elements in which I found limiting. For example, I went to this exhibition with a male friend who associated as a homosexual male. There was no other men at the exhibition, mainly as the Facebook group suggested women and non-binary. Unfortunately this limited the effects of the exhbition, as by excluding men the problem is not being resolve, but more so isolating men and women alike. 

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