Friday 29 December 2017

Exploring with the cut and paste iconography

Topic: exploring femininity 

Theme: 'kitch' aesthetic promoting feminine traits  

Reasoning: the design was developed within this format in order to mimic that of the zine culture widely popular in the 80's. Zine culture, especially within the punk movement allowed a platform for female designers to explore with postmodern trends. Allowing women into an industry strictly run my males. 

End Result:

Through an exploration of type, colour and image a variety of spreads were devised in which attempt to promote femininity, in turn presenting a rhetoric of mimicry.  The kitch aesthetic exhibits pastiche themes as the original images were collected from a women's magazine, and in turn, have been appropriated within a different context.

Aesthetically, I am unsure of whether this design would appeal to the intended consumer, and how it would coincide with other design spreads. As a result, further spreads will be developed, whereby a comparison can be made.

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