Sunday 31 December 2017

Born a girl in the wrong place

Topic:Genital mutilation
Theme: creating awareness
Reasoning's: The design has been developed in a way in which carefully highlights a difficult issue.
Considerations: How will women of GFM react to this? will they think it is a fair representation?

A variation of images were explored, including more graphic content and diagrams, although this felt some what insensitive towards the issue. As a result, iconography was selected in which may showcase the initial stages after GFM. 

The body copy presented, surrounding the image, highlighting it. This in turn making for a visually pleasing design. 

Yellow was selected as the base colour as it compliments the purple presented within the illustration. It also makes the design appealing, and therefore would promote the consumer to read the article. 

Key words within the article were highlighted in order to promote how GFM makes people feel, and to showcase that it is not just the event but rather the events to follow in which effect the individual.

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