Sunday 31 December 2017

Reclaiming pink

Topic: Reclaiming pink
Theme: a celebration of pink
Reasoning: the removal of negative connotations surrounding the 'girls' colour.

Variation one 

The first design developed promotes that liking pink and being intelligent are not mutally exclusive. This has been devised through an illustration represneting this. A variation of compositions were explored in order to promote an intresting, legible design. 

Variation two

The second variation explores a bright pink background, in order to visully represnt the content. The illustration used depicts the female body, further envisioning the content. The illustration has been used amongst the text in order to 'break down' the vast amount present, in turn making the design appeal to the consumer. 

Variation three 

Promoting a simplier design, the above approaches, showcase a design in which focuses directly upon colour. The organic shapes used promote the soft femimity traditionally associated with women. Again, promoting the rhetoric of mimicory. Weight has attempted to be balnced between type and image. 


  • The third attempt relates most to the context 
  • weight is clearly balanced. 
  • use the main typeface to write the text within the heart-craeting continuety

As a result of the feedback, the final spread will be further explored with. 

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