Tuesday 19 April 2016

Pro choice poster 2

This photography piece expresses the reality that it shouldn't be a governing body that decides abortion is wrong but it should be the woman herself, taking control over her own body. 

With a similar context to that of previous coat hanger pieces this design explores a photographical approach. The usage of photography expresses this piece as hard hitting, with a negative reality being behind it. Although I like this design I personally feel that a C.A.D approach is much more appropriate to that of a younger demographic. 

A conflict of morals, this design explores people's personal beliefs and questions the consumer. The text used appears more widely to a younger audience due to its laid back nature. 

The above two images again explore the politics of abortion and protest that its legalisation is extremely important. In my approaches I would like to follow a tagline, like expressed in the above tyo ensure the consumer is briefly informed about the political reasonings behind it.

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