Thursday 21 April 2016

Gun Drawings and crit

After deciding upon gun crime as an important issue to a younger demographic, I decided to think about ways in which I could effectively communicate Hillary as someone who is going to decrease the gun violence death tole each year. 

Following my research I began to look at iconography surrounding gun crime, this mainly consisted of guns, bullets and smoke. Taking influence from the general aesthetic surrounding gun crime, I began to explore concepts in which would target that of a younger demographic. These contained fast phrases in which specifically outlined young peoples relationship to gun violence. 

I felt that the strongest concepts developed were that of the video game approach, Guns kill as many people as cars, the only shoot you should be in and the people approach. 

The video game approach focused specifically upon a younger demographic, as video gaming is a factor in which is often associated with youths. In a recent study it was found that the the majority, 75%, of gamers are between the ages of 15-35. An category in which captures my set demographic. Other studies also suggest that the demographic for gaming isn't necessarily male dominant, with 40% of women playing video games at least once a week. I feel that this is important as I don't want to neglect a certain gender within my posters. The tag line stating 'Video games don't  make killers, guns do' is a factor in which I personally believe to specifically target this demographic. As it is commonly acknowledged that aggressive video games are often blamed for gun violence, when in fact it is the individual themselves mindset. As young people often have to protest to their parents about how video games are unrelated to death roles, I feel that this idea captures their views. 

The 'Guns Kill as may people as cars' approach is hard hitting as car deaths have been excepted as a component in which cannot be effectively reduced. It also creates a realisation as cars are common, and thus seen by the consumer everyday, whereas guns shouldn't be. I felt that using negative space within my approach would allow for a design in which expresses an extra layer, this would also capture the consumers attention for longer. 

'The only shot you should be in' approach explores photography and cameras in a relation to that of gun crime. When conducting some research into the idea of cellphones and guns I discovered that in America there is only a couple of thousand difference in their production, a factor in which realistically should not be the case. With social medias such as Facebook and Instagram being highly prominent within youths lives it is easy to suggest that the relationship in which a young demographics explores photos is completely differing to that of an older, and thus this concept is more specific to them. 

The 'people' response explores the usage of basic people both male and female existing alongside one another holding hands. I did this in order to suggest happy coinsistance whereby gun violence is not necessary.  A quote suggesting the amount of gun related deaths amongst young people will also be involved in order to specifically target the set demographic. 


When discussing my ideas within the critique it was suggested that the strongest ideas were that of the video game approach, 'Guns Kill as may people as cars' and the 'people'. These three were suggested as it was stated their concepts were the strongest. It was also suggested that these ideas targeted the consumer more specifically. 

With the video game approach it was stated that a game console should be simplistic and not display a specific product as this may express marketing. It was also suggested that the design should be minimal in order to target people from a distance. 

When discussing the 'Guns Kill as may people as cars' approach it was suggested that negative space may be used to build the barrel of the gun as well as the trigger. The negative space idea was highly commended as it was suggested to gain more attention from the consumer. 

With the people response it was commanded that both secs were highly represented, but it was suggested that more people should be placed within the design to express the mass scale of shootings. 

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