Friday 22 April 2016

environment poster final

Following my drawings closely, a melting Earth was developed. A factor in which expresses reality to youths. 

Colour was widely explored as I felt that a more realistic colour pallet would position the consumer to believe in the reality of the issue. I also felt that this was an important factor as the illustration expressed didn't follow a realistic format.

Text and colour was then explored, with the red approach expressing further danger, this in turn somewhat scaring the consumer. Composition and scale was also manipulated, with the smaller Earth feeling more intricate. By scaling the Earth smaller it also appeared the same width as the text, this in turn balanced the poster. 

When expressing a red background the design appeared to not coincide with the poster. As the universe is  usually depicted in a black/dark blue colour the red contradicts what the consumer recognises the universe to appear aesthetically, in turn uncomfortably positioning the audience. 

As I had previously recognised the red exploring the Earths demise, I felt that a highlighted red approach may successfully connote this. I explore with a white background but felt that this didn't appeal to a younger demographic and thus explored further with colour. 

As the Earth contained blue aspects I was unsure whether a blue background would clash with the already present tone. Once the background was applied I no longer found this, and felt that the difficult to see Earth appeared as it was fading, a factor in which applies strongly to the designs concept. 

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