Thursday 21 April 2016

environment poster research

In order to gather a greater insight into that of environmental posters I conducted research into pre-existing posters.

The above design explores the melting of the earth due to carbon emissions. The approach in which depicts the earth physically melting expresses an idea in which would be terrifying to the younger consumer who is going to have to experience the effects of humans on the earth. 

These posters are part of a set in which explore renewable energy. Their house style is similar with simplistic illustrations being used in each.  The colour palette, text and composition all follow a similar format.I must ensure that my own set of posters follow a similar format. 

The usage of nature within these designs embeds the concept further as it develops a personal relationship to the consumer in connection to the issue. As leaves are part of humans every day iconography the consumer can also easily connect and relate to the issue, in turn perceiving the data being represented as trustworthy. 

A comical approach in which would target that of sci-fi fans. As star wars has also developed further films recently this is also a good marketing technique for both causes, 

The phrasing of the text within this design would suggest that the intended demographic for this piece is middle aged parents. The mentioning of child is a factor in which relates to them more personally than that of a younger demographic. Within my own piece I must ensure that the correct phrases are used in order to position the design to the right audience. 

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