Saturday 23 April 2016

Final evaluation of abortion poster

When developing this poster I felt it necessary to involve America's flag colours,as the US is a
constituent in which widely practices nationalism with days such as the 4th Of July being key events in each individual's calendar year. And thus the colour scheme strongly embeds that of American culture within the design, a factor in which is most likely to appeal to that of the American audience.The colours being used within a political format suggest Hillary as being widely passionate about her country as well as denoting her as strong, independent and powerful leader. All factor in which are likely to gather her attention as a candidate for the 2016 election.

The illustration used is simplistic and hard hitting, two factor in which were developed intentionally in order to gather the attention of a demographic in which is often associated with being lazy when seeking out information. 

The usage of a highlighted component amongst the text allows it to appear impactful against that of the highly poignant imagery, a factor in which positions the audience in a manner that would see them voting for Hillary. 

I believe the concept itself is strong, as when seeking other similar conceptual designs I felt very hard hit behind the realisation of the coat hanger symbolism. I also believe that the intended demographic would also experience this.

The usage of Hillary's logo within this poster is an important factor in which symbolises that her polices are more important than herself, an idea in which sets her aside from that of her competitors. 

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