Friday 22 April 2016

environment poster one and crit

To begin this design I explored imagery, a factor in which I feel an important influence when gathering youths attention. The desolate image depicts a dark unnatural smoke filled world, a dingy outlook onto what may become a sad reality for that of a younger demographic. The image being captured within a circle is a symbolisation for the world, in turn expressing a world full of pollution. 

Using the image as an influence I experimented with tag lines, choosing a phrase in which is suitable to the image as well as the demographic. With the world 'future' being expressed it states that action must be made or there will be a limited future. This symbolises Hillary as someone who is able to tackle large, international issues. 

Colours were then explored, with the usage of the highlighted approach being used in order to maintain consistency. I felt that the design appeared highly separated due to the gathering of white space within the image.

Due to this I decided to explore with the colour palette, suggesting a white background. Although this had made my previous designs appear clinical I felt that the composition of this poster set it against the other designs. Again a tag line was used in order to position Hillary as a strong leader with the phrase 'vote Hillary for sustainability'. 

When taking this poster design to the intermediate crit it was suggested that although the concept behind the piece was strong, the relevance to that of a younger demographic was weak. The deisgn itself is very structured with the illustration being formed from that of shapes, a factor in itself that goes against the free individual nature of youth and complies to that of an older more restricted demographic. The ways in which the patriotic colours have been displayed is also a factor in which limits the demographic as it appears very formal. Suggestions were made that the idea of a melting Earth would appeal to a demographic in which is unable to visualise this relivantion.

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