Wednesday 20 April 2016

Abortion experiment

To begin the process of exploring the coat hanger approach I decided to develop a design in which attempted to mimic the structure of America hanging from a coat hanger. In order to ensure the map was somewhat accurate I traced a basic outline, I did this to ensure that American's could easily recognise their country. 

As the top of the hanger appeared in a more plastic format than metal I decided to express a wire feel towards my illustrations. By doing this the idea because far more impactful as it brought home the coat hangers dark relationship to abortion. I also began to explore with a tag line a factor in which I felt to be successful within the research stage. 

In order to embed nationalism in my design I felt that the colours used should resemble the American flag, and thus I decided to look at the flags exact pantones. By doing this a relationship was also created with that of Obama's Hope poster as a similar colour palette was used.

The highlighted approach was again taken from my research as I felt that designs in which expressed  information in this format were clear, bold and fast. Three factors in which are highly important when expressing design to a younger demographic.

A variation of colours were explored in order to express the diverse nature of America, as well as the country's most patriotic colours. 

I felt that the colour backgrounds 'washed out' the illusion and caused it to appear less effective and thus I opted for a white background. I also involved Hillarys logo and web address as I felt that it would be an important factor to include as the posters are intended to gather her a wider demographic of voters.

I will take this deisgn to the crit before deciding upon any final resolutions. 

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