Thursday 21 April 2016

Gun poster crit

Within the critique it was suggested that the 1st approach could be explored a lot further as the basic white background again feels somewhat clinical. The design also doesn't follow the same consistency as the other designs, as the text is not highlighted, and in this example the text appears too large and over powers the image. It was also suggested that the circle background should be removed in order to promote a more friendly design in which explores the pages space more effectively.

Within the 2nd design it was suggested that the negative space works effectively at displaying the two pictures in order to build concept. It was also suggested that this approach would engage that of a younger demographic. In order to improve this design some form of background would be needed, this in turn keeping consistency with the other posters.

The 3rd design gained that of the most positive feedback with the general layout and concept being suggested as very effective. It was also suggested that the minimal nature would appear to that of a younger audience. Other key iconography suggested to be included is that of other relevance to the campaign, such as Hillary's logo.

When asking my peers which designs I should develop further they suggested designs 1 and 3 as they explore a context in which is most likely to connect with youths. The captions are also highly relivent to that of a younger demographic, as they are specifically worded to speak directly to this audience.

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