Thursday 21 April 2016

Gun poster variation 3-people

Following my drawings I began to explore ways in which image and facts may be represented. The concept behind this piece is that the linking of the peoples arms suggests unity, a factor in which is relevant to Hillary's campaign and also that of gun violence. Hilary's manifesto suggests that America can only be rid of gun violence if laws are put in place and citizens abide them, this is a factor in which I feel relivent to the linking of hands as this suggests the coming together of people.  

In order to express the severity of mass shootings I explored the usage of multiple people, I also thought that previously the two appeared as a couple and brought attention away from the actual concept. The placement of text in a highlighted format allows the text to stand out, as well as keeping consistency with my previous designs. The colour red was used in order to denote blood, a factor in which contributes to the highly devastating result of mass shootings. 

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