Thursday 21 April 2016

Developing the pro choice poster further

As within my crit it was suggested that the typeface used wasn't conceptually strong and didn't appeal to that of a younger demographic, I decided to attempt to manipulate it into that of Hillary's unity typeface. This was in an attempt to embed her design style more within the posters, and to develop unity with the younger audience. When attempting to discover the typeface online I found that no downloads were available due to copyright issues surrounding her campaign. As this option was out I began to think more specifically about Obama's campaign and how his typeface explored nationalism, anti terrorism and effectively targeted youths. Using the Gotham typeface would also suggest that Hillary is taking on from Obama and will still be highly influenced by him.  

Colour was explored, with a large influence being on that of my previously researched pantones. I attempted to express colour within the design in the most minimal format whilst still keeping a white background. I focused largely on the white background in order to promote purity and truth, factors in which the consumer should feel about Hilary's campaign. 

Following the previous designs composition, I altered the background colour to a subtle grey in an attempt to minimalise its relationship to that of clinical campaigns. I felt that the usage of a background enabled the type and imagery to appear much more effective, although I felt that the dull grey would not appear to the diverse target audience, as grey is often a colour associated with formality. 

Following advice from the critique I began to explore different ways in which the coat hanger may be expressed. The block approach appeared aesthetically strong, as well as widely symbolising America. The colour red was expressed in order to suggest danger and blood, two realties in which are highly connected to that of the illegalisation of abortion. 

Following the feedback given, and my own trail and error experiments I began to explore with composition and colour. The text was moved to the left of the page below the image. I decided upon altering the texts position as Psychologically the consumers eyes move left to right, this in turn allowing the consumer to gather the relevant information almost initially. A component in which is important to the 'lazy' consumer. 

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