Monday 25 April 2016

End of module evaluation

Personally I believe that the last module has given me a greater understanding surrounding that of theories within design, and has opened myself to concepts in which were previously unheard of in my college course.From the lectures I have a greater understanding upon modernism/postmodernism two factors in which I feel myself employing to that of my analytical feedback within other modules. Other influencing lectures I feel have stood out to me are that of consumerism and colour, with colour theory being highly prominent within my work.

The essay itself was a component in which I enjoyed to write as I found it a highly interesting topic area. As I like to believe that I have an extensive knowledge upon British politics, I felt that this essay allowed me to look deeper into that of America's. A factor I feel important as America is one of the most influential countries within the world. Choosing the right essay question was important to me as I wanted to gather greater knowledge upon a specific topic area. In an attempt to push myself to unknown boundaries marks were probably lost as I had to gather knowledge rather than rehearse previous, this being the main reason in which I did not select the gender question as I extensively studied it in my A levels. As within school I never exceeded within English, I really pushed this essay in order to gather the strongest result possible, a factor I am happy with when reading back through it.

The physical body of work links closely to that of the current 2016 presidential campaign whereby I focused specifically upon promoting Hillary. The three posters were targeted specifically at a younger demographic 21-30 years, in order to gather attention from minority voters. This also being a factor in which Obama's PR attempted within his Hope campaign. The designs themselves focus upon issues rather than the protagonist, a factor in which I believe to give my designs a personal edge. Overall, I am happy with my outcomes although if I had more time I would like to develop them further.

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