Wednesday 20 April 2016

Abortion drawings

Following my research  I began to develop some initial concepts and sketches. I explored a variation of approaches looking closely at impact design. The methods of persuasion used were intended for that of a younger demographic, and thus phrases were expressed in a less formal nature. Illustration was a key component within these designs as a younger audience is often seen to get bored  easily and put off by mass text. 

I believe the the strongest ideas are that of the shaped coat hangers as they maintain aspects in which further embedded nationalism. I also believe that the constructed baby appears somewhat daunting to the consumer and expresses how unethical the ilegalisation of abortions is, as it is not only risking one life but two. I also like the idea of expressing the protagonist with the caption 'my body my choice', as this is currently a well recognised phrase amongst pro choice campaigns this will in turn create intertextuality, a factor in which will gather more attention from the consumer,

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