Thursday 21 April 2016

Comparing the pro choice posters

When taking my 3 C.A.D variations to the crit it was suggested that the designs lacked personality and individuality to that of Hilary's campaign. It was suggested that the white backgrounds provoked a clinical feel, and that a younger demographic would be more interested in a visually vibrant piece.

When discussing what design to explore further it was highlighted that the coat hanger concept was strong and positioned the audience to relate more towards the cause. It was also suggested that pro choice campaigners may also share this poster and thus gather the design more attention, in turn promoting Hillary.

Suggestions made to embed the demographic in the design further were that of colour and composition, two factors in which would pull the design away from clinical posters. It was also suggested that I should attempt to fill the coat hanger with colour, this in tun gathering a greater emphasis on America.

During the following design stages I will explore with ways in which to target my poster specifically to a younger demographic.

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