Thursday 11 January 2018

Making the publication into a pack

From the feedback gathered within the last critique it was suggested that a way in which to make this publication stand out from traditional women's magazines may to be develop some sort of a pack. This pack would contain other artefacts, such a poster, in which will become a key selling point to the intended demographic.

As some traditional women's magazines often promote packs in which contain beauty products, again reinforcing the idea of beauty standards, it was decided that the feminist publication would only promote positive artefacts.

When thinking about what these artefacts could be a simple mind map was developed, outling a range of ideas.

From the mindmap developed a range of further deliverables were suggested. The idea of a working womens tool kit was outlined, although this felt somewhat discrimatry to those women who have decided to take time out to have children. Other strong ideas include a posters, stickers and pens.

When discussing this with my peers they suggested that a pen would not be a selling factor to 18-24 year olds, but a feminist poster/sticker may be. It was also noted how pin badges have become a large trend amongst this demographic and therefore may be a further selling factor.

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