Tuesday 2 January 2018

Front cover CAD variations

Variation One 

To contradict traditional covers, the above design was developed in order to promote realistic expectations of women, embedding feminist values. Purple was selected as the background colour in order to promote traditional witch iconography. 

Variation two

The second variation explores a nude image of a woman, in a male gaze format. This attempting to present how ridiculous traditional women's magazines are. 

Variation three

A typographic approach was also explored, this showcasing an opposition towards traditional covers, such as Kim Kardashian Cosmo cover. The simple composition is eye catching due to the sizing presented. 

Variation four

As witches have a generally iconography associated with them, this was captured with the image of a cat. No type was presented in order to promote ambiguity. This was said to not be effective as the consumer would have no idea about what the publication entailed. As a result it was stated that this style would have to have a spine, so that the title was present. 

Variation five 

The fifth variation, explores an illustration (devised by myself), in which promotes activation. The 'handwritten' illustration highlights protest and activation. As women have and must continue activating against their oppression. 

When discussing the cover with my peers they suggested that more information should be written in order to give a detailed description of what the magazine is.  

A variety of text was explored, with the condensed variation appearing most effective as a result of negative space. 

Colour variations 

 A variety of colours were explored, although it was decided that a pink hue would be most effective, as it relates to the content. It also embodies the mimicry theme, embodied throughout the publications design. Peers suggested that the medium pink was most effective, as it creates contrast with the illustration.

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