Thursday 11 January 2018

Developing posters for the pack

In order to decide what would be most relivant to the consumer, a field study was partaken with individuals from the class being the sample (as they fit into the intended demographic).

Using 10 individuals, a survey was conducted into which posters they found most effective/would most like to own. The posters in which were devised have been contained from within the spreads. This further relating to the publications.


From the results gained, it was concluded that the posters in which contain the word 'cunt' are most effective. This most probebly relating to the shock factor involved. 

As a result of this, it has been decided that all three of the posters will be selcted, this in turn making each expereince personal as the consumer has a 1 in 3 chance of getting a certain poster. This differing to larger publications in which promote the same pack throughout. And so, making the feminist publication stand out as bespoke. 

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