Monday 6 March 2017

Feedback given from Interm essay submission

Turn it in

The word satisfactory being used suggests that the submission would be placed within the bracket of 40-50 marks. A grade boundary in which I wish to exceed.  It was stated that design should be the main focus rather than art, and the differences should be discussed throughout. Further support should be applied to the essay in order to formulate a strong perception of feminism within design. First and second wave feminism must be discussed further.

Physical Feedback 

When completing a sign up tutorial with Simon he suggested that the general structure of the essay was weak and did not situate the reader to an informed decision. Also suggesting that the relevance to art should be discussed, with stronger examples of design being referenced, rather than the Guerrilla girls, as they aim to specifically target those who are engaged within art culture. Simon also suggested that strong female editorial design may be effective, with the magazine mushpit being a key influence.

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