Monday 16 October 2017

Sara De Bondt

Female designer Sara De Bondt in the book How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul by Adrian Shaughnessy. 

“When Grafik magazine ran a profile about my studio, a colleague responded “Ah yes, I heard they were looking for a woman”… I still frequently end up as the only female designer on the bill in design conferences and on juries.

A number of reasons have been invoked to explain the unequal representation of (celebrity) male vs. female graphic designers: from technology (lead typecases were too heavy for women to carry); society (the pay gap in Britain has grown over the last few years); the nature of the profession (late deadlines and last-minute problem-solving does not accommodate family life); to women’s supposed nature (more shy, less competitive, less self-promotional, more “collaborative”).

For me, the only valid reason for this persistent inequality is prejudice, both at the level of individuals and governments…”

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