Thursday 19 October 2017

A brief overview of graphic design 23 years ago

In 1994 Adobe released their latest version of Photoshop, Photoshop 3.0, which until 1994 didn't have layers and tabbed pallets. 

Adobe also introduced Illustrator 5.5 - the vector based tool. In 1994 the software was missing gradients, an eye-dropper tool, Wacom tablet support, and the live-trace functions - amongst many features that have since become standard.

If you wanted to surf the net you'd have to do it without Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or even Internet Explorer. None of these browsers had even been developed. 20 years ago, if you wanted to go online you'd have to use the recently announced Netscape Navigator to browse the roughly 10,000 websites that existed.

In the US in 1994 the first ever pizza was ordered too. Even 20 years ago you could order a pizza online through Pizza Huts website!

The notable Fedex logo was developed, the same in which is till used to this day. 

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