Monday 23 October 2017

Essay plan

What is the role of women within graphic design
What is the female designer's role within graphic design?
The women addressing gender imbalance in graphic design

The aim of this paper is to highlight key injustices within the design industry in which discriminate against females. Statistics may be drawn to gather this information in which spotlights trends and limitations of the female designer. The reasoning behind this will be discussed in a contemporary light, as well as considering contextual and biological implications.

Dissertation Plan


What is feminism?
What is design?
How do they interlink?

The struggle of women to get into the design industry
2nd wave of feminism overview?
Paula Scher’s Burst into the design industry-postmodern values

Statistics- women in the design industry then?
Case study- women in the design industry now
Uni stats

Why is there this indifference?

Exposure etc..

Contemporary female designers gaining recognition-how are they changing design

When will there be a balance? discussed...


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