Monday, 17 April 2017

Other spreads

The previous spreads developed were used as a basis for the remaining slides. Centralisation was a key factor in which was incorporated.

With the contact page, the relevant text was applied in a simple, easy to use format, this therefore appealing to the consumer. The send button was enlarged in order to comply to the ideology that individuals in this demographic often have deteriorating eyesight.

With the individual pages, it was decided that a layout in which explores the style of the individual should be expressed. This therefore meaning that all 6 members pages will be different. In the above example a simple grid system has been put in place in order to embed the structure of Jen's work. This will be applied to all members individual pages. The designers themselves could develop their own page, in turn promoting their own design.

When discussing the design with my peers they suggested that the 'burger' icon increased click counts largely, and thus a normal bar should be put in place on each page to easily allow the consumer to navigate to each individual page. It was also suggested that the 'burger' icon would not appeal to this demographic and thus should be removed.

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