When discussing the publication with my peers they suggested that the concept behind the piece was very strong, as more female designers need to be embedded within design. They also suggested that the proposal for further designs was interesting.
When discussing the front cover of the design there was a split reaction. With some finding the logo relevant and others finding it offensive. Those who suggested it was offensive went onto state that the design appeared man hating, as if the design was ruling out males altogether. Although many alterations were completed in order to reject this ideology, it is apparent that it is still present. As a result of this, within future publications for the collective, a new logo will be developed. In turn promoting the idea of equality. It was also suggested that the line through the text appeared red, and therefore if I were to keep to the original design a brighter pink should be used, in order to promote a more friendly nature.
When discussing the word choices within the publication, it was stated that the word strong was used twice within the opening paragraph. This should be eliminated in order to promote a more sophisticated design.
In terms of composition and layout, it was suggested that the minimal layout was strong, and that there were obvious postmodern characteristics embedded, although stating this it was suggested that these trends should be pushed further. In turn promoting a design in which effectively explores female design.
It was also suggested that the line work within the publication effectively highlighted the designers expressed.
In terms of production it was suggested that the matt stock used was appealing. It was also suggested that the weight of the stock was effective, as the reservable images were not seen. It was also stated that the image quality was high. One comment suggested that a spot varnish would appear effective when used on the images, as this may make them stand out and feel more appearing. This is definitely a factor in which I would consider in further publications.
When discussing the website with my peers they suggested that it was easy to navigate and felt very spacious. The minimal design was said to be effective, although it was suggested that postmodern trends were only implemented in certain pages with others appearing very modernist. When looking back of the designs it became apparent that this comment was highly relevant.
They went onto suggested that the general website was highly professional, including the imagery used. It was suggested that the negative space used allows attention to be gained by the images. This being effective as most websites have mass information/images close together. Although stating this it was then suggested that the images should be bigger, this therefore being more suitable to the intended demographic.
The line down the centre of the page has said to guide the consumer, making the overall design easier to read.
Do they both work in sync?
When discussing the two designs with my peers they suggested that the two designs appear very similar. They both explore the same typography and colours. They both also use a similar layout, in turn promoting postmodern trends.
Feedback from the collective
When showing the collective my designs they suggested that they were highly effective at targeting the demographic. They also suggested that the designs would appeal to a secondary and tertiary audience, in turn promoting female design.
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