Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Collecting images for the catalogue

As the catalogue would be part of the collective I felt it important that some of the collective's work was expressed, and thus I asked them for submissions. A collaboration page was also outlined in which is available to all studying at Leeds college of art. As little responses were gained from the message sent out, I went on to ask some young female designers whether I would be able to use their work. I also went up to women within level 2 graphic design and asked whether they would like to participate. Below are some of the responses gained.

The idea of using individuals from leeds college of art allows the design to be personal, and therefore embeds the collective within it.

Sorting the imagery 

Imagery was firstly organised in order to explore which images truly express graphic design, and express the trends in which I want to focus upon in the publication. As I was unsure upon what forms of design work to include within the publication, Simon suggested that I focus upon forms that the designers within my essay explore. As a result of this, branding. poster design, editorial and album covers were explored extensively.

Below are some of the images submitted and the reasonings for and against using them.


This book cover design explores a handwritten approach in which was very popular during the outburst of female design within the 70's. The somewhat illegible type follows a postmodern style, as little grid networks have been used. 'Unclean' highlighted aspects also promote this. The design itself does not appear overly feminine thus highlighting the idea that females are able to produce design work in which appeals to both sex's. 

In the above outcome a photograph has been illustrated on top of. This therefore breaking the traditional roles of photography in turn exploring postmodern trends. The ambiguous nature of the illustration also promotes this.

Not included 
As the above piece focuses purely upon photography it was not included within the catalogue, as the aim for the catalogue is to specifically highlight graphic designers. 

Although I personally find the above design very engaging, it again focuses purely upon photography. The image also depicts an installation, and therefore does not explore design specifically.

 The above piece explores the mediums of photography and hand rendered illustrations. As the image itself is exploring a specific feminist issue I decided to not include it within the catalogue. This is due to the catalogues aim of promoting female design rather than tackling multiple feminist issues.

Lack of responses

A lack of responses was derived from the methods previously used and thus I decided it would be influential to use other female designers work, outside of LCA. Although extensive methods were completed in order to contact some of the creatives in which work I liked, no response was gained. As a result of this I decided to use their work as this is only a personal project for my cop practical as far. Although if I were to obviously publish this design catalogue I would need express permission, and also ask the participants to sign a contract in order to ensure their work has been correctly given.

A variety of creatives were selected, from a variety of cultures and ethnic backgrounds in order to explore the true sense of feminism.

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