Sunday 26 November 2017

The best feminist podcasts

As I am myself, an active listener of podcasts, I wanted to promote feminist talks surrounding a variety of topics. From the everyday to the very occasional. As a result of this, I searched for the best female podcasts available. Below is part of the extract in which I may include within the magazine.

'Women are empowering, but unfortunately undervalued and lack voice, as a result I have correlated the best feminist podcasts out there, in which range from fetishes, to the arranged marriages. A broad range of topic areas are to be covered, all in which are relevant to women, their bodies and minds.

The guilty Feminist 

My all favourite podcast is that of The Guilty Feminist. Created by Frances-White and Sofie Hagen in 2015, the podcast features guests on a panel to discuss topics on and related to feminism, and is recorded in front of a live audience. The witty nature and relatability, will engage you for hours, taking you on a personal journey of feminism.

Guys we've fucked 

Corrine Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson team up to talk about everything from the election from hell to sex trafficking, they've even interviewed some bad-ass women such as Amber Rose.

Womens hour-BBC Radio Four

Factual and reliant. This broadcast focuses upon a range of life conundrums. With six new broadcasts every week, these podcast updates will keep you informed about a variety of issues effecting women. 


Two Dope Queens 

This podcast is like listening to a stand-up show in your living room. Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams are hilariously funny, and they frequently host amazing guests, with strong opinions.

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