Friday 24 November 2017

Articles for practical #OutOfOffice


Ladies, you are, essentially, working for the rest of 2017 for free

Despite the Equal Pay Act of 1970, women still earn a considerable amount less than men in the UK. The current gender pay gap means women effectively stop earning relative to men on a day in November. This day, is recognised by the Fawcett society as Equal Pay Day.
This year equal pay day is the 10th of November.

So how can we stop this imbalance?

The Fawcett society are asking policymakers, employers, and individuals to make a ‘Pay Gap Pledge- a simple action in an attempt to close the pay gap for good.

Suggested pledges for employers

· publish the Fawcett Societies gender pay gap with a plan to tackle it.

· support fathers in your organisation to take time off to care for their children.

· support women to get to the top

Suggested pledges for individuals:

· Start a conversation about pay with my colleagues at work.

· Ask a male colleague what they earn.

· Ask for flexible working

· Ask your employer what the pay gap is in my workplace.

Suggested pledges for policymakers:

· push for enforcement on Gender Pay Gap reporting

· make the case for better maternity and paternity leave

· campaign for flexible working

· challenge ‘boy jobs and girl jobs’

· campaign for a dedicated period of leave for fathers

Donate to support the Fawcett society @

Written by myself, information gained from the Fawcett Society 

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