Friday, 24 November 2017

Thinking about the content for the feminist magazine

When thinking about relevant content for the feminist women's magazine, it felt essential that themes in which run throughout 'traditional' women's magazines are dismantled. In order to complete this, It must firstly be highlighted what themes are present within a range of contemporary women's magazines and thus research was undergone.

From analysing individual articles it became evident that there are frequent key trends presented within women's magazines. These key themes have also been expressed within my written report.


-You must please YOUR man. Specifically by dressing, acting and doing hobbies he approves in.
-You must know how to cook
-You must physically please your man, with your on body image and sex
-You should be thinner, taller and prettier
-You should be a heterosexual women, seeking a relationship
-All women want commitment

From these themes, it is evident (from a feminist perspective), that these 'needs' are informed by the patriarchy in order to benefit the man. Very few titles attempt to please the women reader and thus this should be altered within my publication. Some reverse titles can be seen below.

Burn 300 calories the fun, new way: Being healthy is better than loosing weight

How to rock his world: Enjoy sex more (heterosexual, bisexual etc)

Want him to pop the question: Why socially constructed relationships no longer matter

Although the above titles were only quickly constructed, they give key examples of how the feminist publication will differ from traditional women's magazines.

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