Sunday, 26 November 2017

Interview with Kitty from Ladybeard

Interview with Kitty from Ladybeard

The interview took place on the 26/11/17, via a phone call

Where does the name ladybeard come from?

It's a quote from 'as you like it'. A play, focusing upon gender, the limitations of gender and gender swapping. If people can remember the name and shocked by it, it's effective.

Compared to traditional women’s magazines, you revolutionise sex.. why do you think this is important?

Everything leads back to sex. Talking about sex and masturbation is a taboo. Looking back on that issue, [in reference to issue one] it explores relationships. Sexual equality in relationships is important. When I became single it made me realise that how women are so unequal to men when having sex, and how many rules you play into. Male loneliness is perceived to be a choice, whilst females not a choice. Sex is a shocking topic, and it always catches attention, people are ashamed of it. Its about treading a line between owning your desire, but when you do that desire is intimidating, its intimidating to let go and enjoy yourself that pleasure. 

A woman's taught to be be fearful, and told different stories of sexual desire. If we were shown images of same sex intercourse outside of gender line, it would be far easier to comprehend. Its exhausting, as a women to grow up in a world where beauty is the main atribute. Were told to be beautiful. Even in bed, I've found myself doing things in porn, but why?

Whens the next issue out, and whats the theme?

Its out in February and, beauty. The last issue [mind] opened it up [in reference to mental health] and showed that its part of the everyday. This was before mental health was discussed as widely as it is now. Mental health is a spectrum, which you go in and out of. The beauty issue does the same, it shows what is beautiful, in and out of trends. Theres a shoot exploring blind people, seeing beauty from a different perspective. Its about opening up what we find beautiful and what we celebrate.

What platforms do you use to promote the magazine? 

Our website, twitter, and Instagram.. Instagram is the most effective. I really like twitter though,  its really great, I like gifs. The magazine is print only, but we do publish semi-regularly on the website. Theres a large market for print mags. Millions of website do what we do, but curated aspect of the magazine are special. It's physical in a world of digital.

What do you think is missing from the traditional women magazine?

So much.. I think the problem with traditional magazines is telling you what a women should be.In order to appeal to the reader, they stereotype. Making every women appear the same. Its like, 'an Elle girls thinks this and that'. In order to be that girl you have to be in the girl in the pictures: white, thin, perfect. You aren’t going to look like this girl. I realised a long time ago that I wasn't going to look like an Elle Girl. They make you think that if you want it enough you can look like that, you must be decorative first before everything.When do men get told that? Never. Its so frustrating that we have to grow like this. Every image you see it sets you, it shape who you think you need to be. Its exhausting. We need more media of real people, images of people you don’t look like and don't necessarily want to look like.

If you could give me any advice, what would it be?

Tell stories that you think are actually important. Don't box tick, write what you would like to read. Just think 'what am I offering', 'is it important', and question 'do I care about this'. 

What have you found most challenging
Doing it with no money. Makes it really hard, especially as we have no advertisements.

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