Sunday, 26 November 2017

Contacting Ladybeard

Ladybeard takes on the form of a glossy magazine but revolutionises the content. With mainstream media promoting self hate, they promote the voices of the rebellions, removing stereotypes promoted by the mainstream media. 

Forming an annual publication, the collective behind Ladbybeard promote women, their opinions and beliefs. The two issues developed so far focus upon sex and the mind.

As I really enjoyed reading the publication, I felt it relevant to email the collective, asking for them to aid myself with my publication.  As a result of this, myself and Kitty arranged to talk on the phone, with myself interviewing her. 

In order to gain the right perspective, I researched relevant questions to ask...

I looked at interview questions asked on the creative review, as well as its nice that. I also searched Ladybeard's website in order to highlight details specific to the collective and publication. The questions in which I selected felt relevant to my practice, as well as my general interests. These can be highlighted below..


Where does the name ladybeard come from?

Compared to traditional women’s magazines, you revolutionise sex.. why do you think this is important?

What platforms do you use to promote the magazine?

What do you think is missing from the traditional women magazine?

Only four questions were selected, as with our Level 5 task, John suggested that you shouldn't ask too many questions as this means they will not go into the necessary details, rather skim information.

I am currently uncertain whether the interview will be placed within the magazine or not, but I believe that it will influence my decisions, creative or theory. 

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