Thursday, 11 January 2018

final mock up & feedback

The final outcome conveys femininity as embracing pink, being opinionated and having concern for others. The articles present also have no correlation to needing a man, a strong topic area in traditional women's magazines.

Aesthetically the design largely differs from women's magazines with a focus being placed on illustration. This being devised in order to combat the beauty ideals traditionally presented. In turn ensuring that the consumer does not feel belittled, or feel a need to change their aesthetic appearance.

Pink was widely displayed throughout in order to combat the negative associations made towards the 'feminine' colour. A bold, hand drawn typeface was used in order to promote women as strong and powerful. This also creating a large impact.

As women's magazines are often A4, the publication was devised at an A5 format, this ensuring that the publication would stand out on a shelf. A matt finish was also used in order to convey that this magazine differs from its traditional counterpart.

When discussing the design with my peers they suggested that I could potentially pus the design further by involving some form of poster pack. This will be looked into further.

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