When discussing my ideas with my peers they suggested that I should develop a fully pledged purpose for the publication. From this it was discussed whether the publication should be a one off or whether it should be a biannual publication. As the need for female designers is a highly relevant issue it was decided that the publication should be produced biannually.
As a result of the critique the below was outlined:
Aim-The aim of the publication is to get female work out there to creative directors in the hope that young female creatives will gain equal opportunity.
Function-The publication should function in a way whereby my own design style is not obstructive. The publication should be easy to read, and should be environmentally friendly.
Shelf life- The shelf life of the product should be at least a couple of weeks to allow the creative director to read through the publication fully. it must be considered that some will initially throw the product away, and some will keep the product for far longer than intended. Good design will allow the consumer to keep the product.
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