Monday 28 November 2016

Initial essay plan

In order to gather a greater stance upon the layout of the essay it was decided to formulate an essay plan, including an introduction, thesis and conclusion. Individual arguments were also highlighted, with sources being outlined. To gather feedback the plan was emailed to Simon.

From the feedback gathered from Simon it is clear that the essay is focusing directly upon art rather than graphic design. As a result of this the essay question has now been altered to 'Discuss the role that feminism played in the social change of graphic design'. It has also been decided to focus further on design within the future, as the feminist art movement focused largely upon art. 

General structure of an essay:

  1. TITLE/QUESTION. Every essay title contains an explicit or implicit question. ...
  2. INTRODUCTION: (about 10% of the essay) Explain how you interpret the title. ...
  3. MAIN BODY (about 80% of the essay) ...
  4. CONCLUSION (about 10% of the essay) ...
  5. Reference List

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