Tuesday 8 December 2015

Academic Writing Techniques

A number of authors have considered the lack of culture and personal expression through modern graphic design and it's obsessed nature of money making. Kalman (1998), Experimental Jetset (2001), Garland (2014), and AD Busters (2000) have all commented on the fact that modern design lacks personality and is frequently created in aid to source money rather than culture or experience. It is also discussed how graphics frequently lacks socially engaged work that focusing on intellectual study and rather pushes towards aesthetically pleasing work that lacks context. For instance Ad Busters discuss that creating meaningless graphic design for corporate companies not only harms design but also the environment in which we live in. 'Encouraged in this direction, designers then apply their skill and imagination to sell dog biscuits, designer coffee, diamonds, detergents, hair gel, cigarettes, credit cards, sneakers, butt toners, light beer and heavy-duty recreational vehicles.' The above quote suggests the harmfulness and polluting effects graphic design can contribute to, and that modern designers often 'sell' a brand without thinking of the company's effects. Thus suggesting that if designers were less focused upon money making strategies and rather the empowerment of the world, the place in which we live would be overall more content.

Focusing upon the First things first manifesto (1964 & 2000), a nike trainer advert was sourced. 

Typically the ad itself is promoting the fast nature and durability of Nike, this being expressed through the fire plummeting out of the shoes rear thus mimicking the direction of speed. The typefaces used  in correlation to to the word explosive suggest something much more powerful than a trainer. Something much bigger and thought provoking. Of course these being marketing techniques, in which alter away from the reality of the Nike brand. Using high power, glossy advertisements it is easy to forget the reality of Nike and where their products are produced. The large scale advertisements distract away from the sweat shop reality of the shoes origin, and also the vast profit accessible to the company due to the exploration of others. 

Garlands article (2000), covers much ground in exploring the issues of distinction between trivial and cultural work, and demonstrates clearly the principal idea that socially engaged work helps improve the world. In doing so Garland can help us to understand the complexity of intellectual study. There is a weakness in Garlands study as although he continually contributes to the topic of art not being used purely for money, he fails to account for the fact that the majority of designers who signed the pledge, had gained substantial finance through their design career. 

Writing in Fuck Committees (1998), Kalman claimed that not only graphic design has lost all concept, but so has multiple outlets of expression including theatre and film. He also discusses the lack of cultural relevance and individual passion present within design work due to the conflict between money and solid design. He also discusses in depth how our culture has become purely a corporate culture, although stating reasonings of a modernist solution.

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